“Nile Pop. Music, poetry, and stories on a shared river” was organised on February 22, 2020, at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden (The Netherlands), as a collaboration between IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Stichting Zenobia, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, and the Africa 2020 workshop “The Nile: inclusion and exclusion over a transboundary resource”.
Nile Pop turned the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden’s Tempelzaal into a stage featuring presentations and performances by an international group of researchers and musicians. They showed how the Nile river has inspired popular culture in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, and how popular culture influences the way we understand the river, manage its water, and represent its infrastructure.
The event at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden and this special issue are part of the project “Open Water Diplomacy. Media, science and transboundary cooperation in the Nile Basin”, funded by the Water and Development Partnership program (Phase2), which is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For more information please contact Emanuele Fantini (e.fantini@un-ihe.org)
Project leader / author: Emanuele Fantini
Editor: Laurens Nijzink
Website: Thomas Gesthuizen / Voice4Thought
Photo landing page: Roger Anis
Photos caroussel: Michale Tsegaye for #EverydayNile, Webuild
How to quote this special issue:
Fantini, E., Nijzink, L. (2023), Nile Pop, in Bridging Humanities, Leiden, Brill, available at: https://nilepop.bridginghumanities.com